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Add Pagina pubblicazioni 201x v. anche su www2 tab intranet area riservata fare login intranet crea contenuti page Title page ricerca PARMA publications 201x

Fare cut and paste da una pagina publications precedente in modalità Source

farne un template per il nuovo anno click su Input format e scegliere HTML salvare, annotandosi il numero del nodo, say 585

intranet crea contenuti panel Title panel ricerca PARMA publications 201x Teaser mettere tre spazi


content add content (existing nodes) a sinistra scegliere page ricerca PARMA menu a destra scegliere page ricerca PARMA publications 201x

editare il panel ricerca PARMA menu da una qualunque schermata di PARMA, e aggiungere la riga Publications 201x con link al nodo della page ricerca PARMA publications 201x +1 (nell esempio 596) save

Count characters in EMACS: select region and press M-= (M=Alt-ky)

DRM see here. ADOBE registered, python 2.6.6.msi installed instead, python scripts in ebook.

Copia 3 di emergenza

      lpr -P Copia3 -o Option19=One -o Option26=False -o Option25=False -o Option21=False
-o Option22=False -o Option17=DF780 -o Option18=HardDisk -o InstalledMemory=256MB -o Resolution=600dpi -o KCEcoprint=Off -o Smoothing=True -o PagePolicy=On -o PageSize=A4 -o PageRegion=A4 -o InputSlot=PF700A -o MediaType=PrnDef -o OutputBin=None -o KCStaple=Upperleft -o StapleCount=Each2 -o KCRotate=None -o KCPunch=None -o KCBooklet=None -o KCFold=None -o Rotate=False -o Jog=None -o Duplex=None -o KCCollate=PrnDef -o KmManagment=Default -o KCSuperWatermark=None -o KCVersion=Default

GIMP pdf from layers, e.g. soluzione of a compito.
Open the pdf text of the exam as layers (e.g. at 120 dpi resolution)
Write the solution on it with the tablet.
Use File/Export layers/, choose a file name, select all layers, choose flatten NO
(see Gimp plugin registry,

LEA recipes.
To download excel file with student list Left column: Outcome, Export excel, deselect include feedback and Course total, then submit.

Gimp: export layers as pdf: use the plugin from the File menu (Export layers)
Select file with button (it looks as if it did not select, but it works)
export all (Visible no)

Thunderbird from Impenetrable Firewalls (e.g. PSI)
open a terminal and

  ssh -L 2143:

open another tab and

  ssh -L 2525:

leave these open and never touch Open Thunderbird, use roberto.derenzi from PSI (middle mailbox) Select Outgoing: from PSI

Original e-mail from Covati

 Provamo a fare cosi'...
Il problema e' che li' sei abbastanza blindato...
Apri una finestra di linux e dai il comando: (forse da root, o usa il sudo)
ssh -L 2525:
roberto.derenzi@login.fis.u/                         e ovviamente
dare la password
Questa la lasci aperta.
Una volta fatto questo ti si aprira' un tunnel ssh tra il tuo pc e login
che trasportera' tutto quello  che mandi verso la porta 2525 su
localhost verso (posta) sulla porta 25 passando da login...
Dovrai cambiare la configurazione di thunderbird e far puntare non a
posta o relay bensi' a localhost sulla porta 2525 (per spedire)
Per ricevere, in modo analogo, devi congfigurarti, con  un'altra
finestra, la seguente linea:
  ssh -L 2143:
e configurarti su thunderbird
come host non imap ma localhost
come porta la 2143
SENZA ssl (perche' ci colleghiamo sulla porta 143 che e' in chiaro)

Minuit and PyMinuit
No way with Minuit2 for the moment, switch to Minuit
Have to follow this suggestion to compile Minuit.1.7.9

GARR certificates
Quando scade avverte. Clickando si generano le due nuove chiavi.
Arriva una mail di risposta: clickare sul link in fondo al messaggio
e importare il nuovo certificato.
Farne Backup in .globus (password, vedi HELP/GARR) e poi importare in Thunder e Chrome.

Printer colordir
Find network printers
Lexmark C736
connection ipp network printer via DNS-SD
driver Generic Postscript level 1
set printer options and job options

Customizing locale

histogram Chart in OpenOffice Make a column of bin values (uses them as sup of each bin --|)
Start from the top, cell to the right of first bin, function Array Frequency
Select Data: column of values to be histogrammed (e.g. D2:D200), Classes: column of bins (no headers)
A new column is produced, containing number of cases (frequency)
Give both bins and frequency a header in the row above
Now select the two columns, including headers. With the selection insert Chart.
Select e.g. vertical bars, 3D, First row as names, First column, labels and Label Top

Use pdftk alltheway!

See pdftk examples e.g.

  • merge
    convert c00-01-10A1.png c00-01-10A1.pdf
    convert c00-01-10A2.png c00-01-10A2.pdf
    pdftk c00-01-10A1.pdf c00-01-01A2.pdf cat output c00-01-10A.pdf
  • watermarks on last compito

go to compiti/Watermarks/A/
copy there compitoA.pdf,
check that watermarks are BAA.pdf and bAC.pdf, etc. (BAA is simply the first one) then

 pdftk compitoA.pdf stamp BAA.pdf output stampa.pdf

(this produces the first stampa bit, other ones are appended below)

 for t in b??.pdf; do pdftk compitoA.pdf stamp $t output c.pdf ;
pdftk stampa.pdf c.pdf cat output stampa1.pdf ; mv stampa1.pdf stampa.pdf ; done

then open the file in acroread and print on Kyocera-bio with STaple every 2 pages

then print with Kyocera-bio selecting

  Duplexing off
  Staple Upper left (also right or internal is ignored, always on right)
  Staple Method staple every 2 sheets

Merge pdf, old solution

  gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf part.1.pdf part.2.pdf

Extract pages from pdf

install pdftk, then

 pdftk book.pdf cat 266-281 output part_book.pdf

extracts pages 266-281 from book.pdf


  • load merged.pdf file with gv
  • mark pages of part-1
  • save marked as

Then run


Manual ip

  sudo ip address add dev eth0
  sudo route add default gw

  # for the 192 net, change accordingly for 160

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Page last modified on February 28, 2017, at 04:29 PM