Tips - Dritte
edit SideBar
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Plan for a dashboard graphical editor
- the notebook contains a first cell of imports
%matplotlib tk
from os import getcwd
startuppath = getcwd() # before changing to git mujpy (if mujpy installed this is not needed)
%cd /home/roberto.derenzi/git/mujpy/
from mujpy.musuite import suite
from mujpy.mudash import dash
from mujpy.mufit import mufit
from mujpy.mufitplot import mufitplota first run and grp_calib fed to a suite instance, and a run
- a second cell invoking suite for a first run and grp_calib@@
datafile = '/afs/psi.ch/project/bulkmusr/data/gps/d2021/tdc/deltat_tdc_gps_0822.bin'
runlist = '822' # first run first
grp_calib = [{'forward':'3', 'backward':'4', 'alpha':1.13}]
the_suite = suite(datafile, runlist , grp_calib , offset, startuppath)
- a third invoking the dash
if 'datafile' in the_suite.__dict__:
the_dash = dash(the_suite, model='mgml',fit_range=[0,20000,40])
- This produces a model with parameters set to zero
- The dash allows you to change run, fit model, grp, and go global:
- buttons to change single run: < = previous, Load = file selection gui, > next
- to change model
- input acronym 'xxyy' and Enter: an empty model with two components 'xx' and 'yy' will appear
- button Load with drop Best Fit opens /fit subdirectory with recent fit results, loaded as starting guess
- button Load with drop Template opens /mujpy/template subdirectory where a few empty fit models exist, loaded as starting guess
- The main dash tab is fit. It allows one to define a model and its guess value, plot guess or results in different views, Fourier transform, plot in Rotating frame. Invoking the fit method jn different ways
- at start by model acronym: generates a model with guess values set to zero
- at start by a loading an existing json
- after request of a new acronym or a loaded dash or edit of existing model (add-delete components)
- change model type (single/sequential/global run, single/sequential/global groups)
- Innards:
Folder structure:
- each instrument+sample is a root folder
'./' with subfolders to keep folder list readable.
- jupyterlab is launched from this root that contains
- the dashboard notebooks
- have a set of templates per initial fit model, type (calib/normal, single/multi run, single/multi group, sequential/global) and version. Duplicate templates, that must be kept clean. Template folder in mujpy installation directory.
- Results are
- printed on a 'keep-an-eye' console in an output widget, side by side with the gui. This guarantees os-independence. Hack by reversing the buffer to obtain that last output is in top (a reversed tail -f terminal)
- saved in a json fit results file, where result values are appended to starting values, and grp_calib is also appended, so that this json is a completely reproducible starting point.
- saved on a csv for plotting purposes. The csv is strictly for one model (e.g. if a parameter function is turned on the csv is not compatible)
- any notebook template reads a _fit.json to reproduce the fit (or compiles it with mudash). So there are two types of notebooks: the interactive ones using the gui dash and the ones using a fixes json dashboard for the reproduction of a fit. They are also included in the templates.
- template path is automatic:
git/mujpy/templates/ and contains template model .json files, one per type and version
- messy fit path is automatic:
./fit/ and contains template _fit.json results ("model_result" and "userpardicts_result" and "grp_calib" added to template .json). May be difficult to navigate
- clean csv path is automatic:
./csv/ and contains csv files where a line of parameter values, errors per run is added for plotting purposes, typically one .csv file per dashboard
- very messy cache path, automatic:
./cache/ containing .txt summary files, like that printed in the output widget.
- futher experiment-related subfolder may be created from the jupyterlab left bar, e.g. an instrument+sample+mode folder for LF/TF modes. Copy a notebook to it andit will act as root folder. Run the notebook and it will generate its own subfolders
Dashboard notebook
- the notebook has a preamble (partially hidden). made of
- imports, hidden
- Suite and groupings, shown
- a datafile e.g.
- a runlist, e.g.
'1233' or '1233-47'
- a model, e.g
- a version, e.g.
- an offset (needed for asymmetry, which is a suite method; hence offset elsewhere i accessed as self.suite.offset)
- a list of group dictionaries, e.g.
- the suite command is exec'd before the dash gui (A1, A1-calib, A20, A20-calib, B1)
- optional userpar list of dictionaries, une per user parameter, acts as switch for a global fit
- compulsory key is "name", suggested to include unit, e.g.
{"name":'B1 [mT]"} (csv: remember to use ',' as separator)
- optional keys "value","error","limits" (a list, [None,None]is unbounded, [0,0] is fixed)
- All these can be saved onto
- a grp_calib.json file (find a naming scheme)
- an input.suite.json file (>>)
- Must be able to plot guess and load/next/prev if single run
- Header info tab
- Title, comment, max bin, ns/bin
- total counts
- partial counts of groups
- Model template
- model name (calib is preceded by 'al')
- Version
- Offset
- Fit start, stop, pack
- Plot results start, stop, pack [,stop2, pack2]
- optional userpar dashboard with
- internal number, name (static), value, error, limits
- component dashboard
- to be added + button to add a component, - button to remove component
- label
- fft tick
- component pardicts
- internal number (if userpar it increments on that)
- name static
- value
- flag and function, e.g ~, or !, or =p[1] or =0.255 - p[1]
- fix automatically errors and limits. No plot flag here
- todo
- rotating frame button
- fft button with fft apodization filter, fft range, fft amplitude/power toggle,
- add userpar options in group tab
- add plot tab (parameters, detector plot, temperature plot, multiplot) ,
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