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< Mujpy.Subnotebook | Index | The logic behind mujpy use of the gradient in iminuit global fits >

Multirun global fit, construction of global chisquare

def _load_data_multirun_user_(self,x,y,components,e=1):

        x, y, e are numpy arrays, y, e are 2d 
        e = 1 or missing yields unitary errors 
        components is a list ,...,[method,[key,...,key]]], 
            produced by int2_multirun_user_method_key() from mujpy.aux.aux
            where method is an instantiation of a component, e.g. 
            and value = eval(key) produces the parameter value
        _add_multirun_ must produce a 2d function f.shape(ngroup,nbins)
        therefore _components_ must be a np.vectorize of nrun copies of the method 
        method da not allowed here, no need for alpha
        no fft of residues   
    self._x_ = x
    self._y_ = y        # self._global_ = True if _nglobals_ is not None else False
    self._components_ = components
    self._add_ = self._add_multirun_
    self._e_ = e
    return True, '' # no error

 def _add_(x,*argv):  # this is _add_multirun_(self,...)
     f = zeros((self._y_.shape[0],x.shape[0])) # array(runs,bins)
     p = argv  this is a list of minuit internal parameters
     for method, keys in self._components_:  # self._components_ is a list of lists  of lists defined in _load_data_multirun_user_
                                             # method calculates one component in the model, keys the list of lists of its parameters for all runs 
         pars = [[key(p) for key in run_keys] for run_keys in keys] # list over runs of lists of parameters for this component  
         f + = method(x,*pars) # calculates component for each run and vstacks them
     return f  # array(nruns,nbins)

 del _chisquare_((*argv):
     num = abs(self._add_(self._x_,*argv) - self._y_)
     normsquaredev = (num/self._e_)**2
     return sum(normsquaredev)  # sum is over all component 

Multirun global fit, construction of gradient

def _load_data_multirun_grad_(self,x,y,components,gradients,ref,e=1):

         x, y, e are numpy arrays, y, e are 2d 
         e = 1 or missing yields unitary errors 
         gradients is a list ,...,]
         components is a list ,...,[method,[key,...,key]]], 
             produced by int2_multirun_grad_method_key() from mujpy.aux.aux
             where method is an instantiation of a component, e.g. 
             [grad,...,grad] is its derivative with respect to pars
             par = key(p) produces each parameter value
         ref is a list, one per minuit parameter, of lists , 
        _add_multirun_ must produce a 2d function f.shape(ngroup,nbins)
            therefore _components_ must be a np.vectorize of nrun copies of the method 
            method da not allowed here, no need for alpha
            no fft of residues   
    self._x_ = x
    self._y_ = y        # self._global_ = True if _nglobals_ is not None else False
    self._components_ = components
    self._gradients_ = gradients
    self._add_ = self._add_multirun_
    self._e_ = e
    return True, '' # no error

def _add_grad_(x,k,*argv): # k in range(len(argv))

    g = zeros((self._y_.shape[0],x.shape[0])) # array(runs,bins) this is one component of the gradient
    p = argv
    for kcomp,kpar self.ref[k]: # self.ref is a list  [[component,parameter],...], defined in _load_data_multirun_user_ such that parameter depends on p[k]
        grad, keys = self._gradients_[kcomp] # grad is the gradients of the kcomp component in the model, keys the list of lists of its parameters for all runs 
        pars = [[key(p) for key in run_keys] for run_keys in keys] # list over runs of lists of parameters for kcomp component
        g + = grad(x,*pars)[kpar]  # calculates the gradient kpar-th-component for each run and vstacks them
    return g  # array(nruns,nbins) is the k-th gradient function

def _grad_((*argv):

    g = -2*(self._add_(self._x_,*argv)-self._y_)/self._e_**2
    gg = []
    for k in len(argv):
        gg.append(sum(g*self._add_grad_(self._x_,k,*argv))) # sum is over rows (runs) and columns (time bins) 
    return gg  

< Mujpy.Subnotebook | Index | The logic behind mujpy use of the gradient in iminuit global fits >

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