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  1. Introduction
  2. The muon
  3. Muon production
  4. Spin polarization
  5. Detect the µ spin
  6. Implantation
  7. Paramagnetic species
  8. A special case: a muon with few nuclei
  9. Magnetic materials
  10. Relaxation functions
  11. Superconductors
  12. Mujpy
  13. Mulab
  14. Musite?
  15. More details



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Matlab policy

Warning. Since R2014b graphic user interface (gui) and errorbar changed. Corrections require a major upgrade of mulab, beyond its scope. Users are advised to downgrade their Matlab version to R2014a or earlier. Now (as of 11 March 2018) the latest mulab works fine with R2014a under linux (and should as well under other OSs).

Installing from scratch

First of all install NeXus, mandatory to read ISIS nxs data files from mulab on a pc, either from

Linux Debian (Ubuntu 10.4) for x64 : download nexus 4.2.1-1 deb (64 bit) and type
sudo gdebi nexus_4.2.1-1_amd64.deb
from the download path. Then download mxml deb and do the same.
if you want nxbrowse to work install also libreadline5

or else check for sources, other distributions, etc. on the Nexus page. Then procede as with upgrading


Read the warning headings!

Download the latest version, which includes data load and fminuit binaries for linux 32-bit linux 64-bit and windows 32-bit, After installing the set in toolbox/local/mulab-1.05/, remember to run
> rehash toolbox
from the command line Click on the zip file below:

(subversions are not indexed, the latest version is occasionally upgraded if major improvement or debugging took place; compare dates)

Legacy and patches

Download errbar.m and replace the toolbar/local/mulab-1.05/ version if you get Error using errorbar (line 49) Not enough input arguments.

Download psiclassload.mexw64

Download muloadmodel.m into your toolbox/local/mulab-1.05 directory for Python template and matlab automation (multiplot)

New KT suite. See mulab models for instructions

To implement new KT suite in 2010 version, download the patch and unzip. Then copy all to the toolbox/local/mulab-1.05/ directory in the matlab tree

If you get an execution error message about Faddeeva_Dawson, try making your own with

Extract the content to the matlab/toolbox/local directory which is typically located in

C:\Programs\ directory, under Windows
/usr/local/, under Linux

The extraction will create a subdirectory matlab/toolbox/local/mulab-x.xx, containing the entire toolbox (including fminuit). Notice: if you have Matlab v. 7.0 or 7.01 (the earliest compatible with mulab) you should delete all .mexw32 files from the toolbox, after each upgrade.

You can now follow the instructions in the primer

The zip mulab file contains the compiled mex files for the three data loads

isisload for ISIS MCS
psiload for PSI
nxsload for ISIS NeXus

plus the compiled mex files for fminuit, that should work with matlab 7 and 8 under lx32bit, lx64b and win32. These are the only parts that could require recompiling for different hardwares.

You find here also:

T_12.grp ISIS MUSR groups for Transverse geometry, horizontal; store in the isntrument-specific directory from which you run mulab, access from Setup - Load Groups
T_34.grp ISIS MUSR groups for Transverse geometry, vertical;

If you need to do so you may have a look up the Fminuit home, and the mu_load home

For further problems see Troubleshooting.


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Page last modified on December 21, 2022, at 11:06 AM