supersedes old functions MUKTDYN, MUKUBOGAU, MUKUBOLORENTZ
(use the old ones, kg and kl, if you want to multiply static fucntions by an independent T1 process)
User manual
MUKT, entry point and switchyard.
Please use model kt, that has five parameters
AMP amplitude
LFGA longitudinal field (G)
DEGA Gaussian width (us-1), default, if 0 toggles to DELO, if both 0 it dominates (with 0 width *)
DELO Lorentzian width, (us-1), if 0 toggles to DEGA
DYNU strong collision jump rate
Programmer's manual
MUGKT and MULKT, two internal atomic functions, Gaussian and Lorentzian, respectively, that generate
STATIC zero field or longitudinal field functions, normalized to one, on N bins, with resolution dt,
from t0 (all three selectable)
MUKTDYNA implements Giuseppe Allodi scheme for dynamisation. In principle it works also with any other static function
see G.Allodi, R. De Renzi, Physica Scripta, 89, 115201 (2014)
Physica Verba volant, Physica Scripta manent
FADDEEVA-DAWSON.mexa64 (linux 64), mexw32 (windows 32) mexw64 (windows 64)
(*) be careful! if both DEGA and DELO are set to zero but none is ! fixed (both ~)
MINUIT will be unpredictable: as soon as it changes DELO it switches to Lorentzian KT
But as soon as DEGA is not zero , it switches back to Gaussian. Then it will not consider
DELO any more and probably go crazy on a parameter that does not have an influence on chi2.
Best to set either DEGA or DELO to "0!"