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LevelCrossingSimulation< Avoided Level Crossing (ALC) | Index | How to experimentally detect ALC > ΔM=0 resonances: hyperfine couplings with other nuclei The ingredients for this simulation are already contained in the code for the quenching curve. If we calculate the longitudinal time dependent polarization {$P_z(t)$} according to Eq. 1 the constant term originating from {$\langle m|\sigma_{z,\mu}| m \rangle$} will show ALC drops whenever two eigenstates mix around a crossing condition. A typical example is from the e-µ-p system that we have simulated as a prototype radical. This is already provided by the code we have supplied to simulate the longitudinal field polarization.
This ALC resonance occurs with a change {$\Delta M=0$} of the z component of the total angular momentum, which is conserved at high fields, This corresponds to a {$\Delta m=\pm 1$} transition for the µ and a {$\Delta m=\mp 1$} transition for the proton. Therefore we must expect one such resonance per The two terms in the radical Hamiltonian, {${\cal H} + {\cal H}_n$}, are given respecively by , Eq. 1, muonium and Eq. 1, radical. In zeroth order high field approximation, i.e. keeping only the terms in the z spin components, it is straightforward to calculate the value of the crossing field. {$ \qquad \qquad B_{cr}=\frac {\nu_0-\nu_{0p}} {2(\gamma_\mu-\gamma_p)} $} which is typically in n the range of the Tesla, and from a few tens to a hundred G off the more accurate matlab result. ΔM=1 resonances: the case of the anisotropic radical We have seen that the Hamiltonian for anisotropic radical may be treated in high field approximation as that of muonium, with a reduced hyperfine and an additional hyperfine contribution, the so-called pseudodipolar traceless tensor which represents the dipolar interaction with the electron, averaged over its wave function. In particular this additional contribution will contain the following a term {$ \delta\nu_{z} I_zS_z$} and terms of the kind {$ \delta\nu_{zx} I_zS_x$}.
< Avoided Level Crossing (ALC) | Index | How to experimentally detect ALC > |