< Calibrations | Index | The muon fate at implantation >
Many codes have been made available to analyze µSR data. Several of them are ready to load and cope with data sets from different facilities. Here is a list (incomplete)
- Mujpy (at ReadTheDocs), by R. De Renzi and P. Bonfà, runs in jupyterlab (under python), derived from
- musrfit, by A. Suter, and some others (resources lmu 1.6
- mulab by R. De Renzi and G. Allodi (derived from Muzen). A matlab toolbox.
First open MuSR analysis suite, derived from
- Muzen by G.Guidi, R. De Renzi and G. Allodi, based on fortran MINUIT, runs on linux, legacy. Standalone, not maintained, a brief description is here.
- WIMDA by Francis Pratt, standalone, runs on windows.
- Mantid developed at ISIS
- PSI software notably
- TRIUMF software msrfit and msrfft by Jess Brewer (legacy?).
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