Hpc /
HpcUniprItlogin: nome.cognome@login.hpc.unipr.it (pwdless for Toshiba pc34, see instructions two pars below) List towards DFT tutorial (Fisica Stati Condensati)
Need a linux installation on virtual machines, with xcrystden. Generated local keys according to Guida Utente from dokuwiki, for password-less use among nodes. Toshiba pc34 had already private-public keys generates the same way (ssh-keygen -t rsa, CRT CRT). To copy pc34 public key onto login.hpc use ssh-copy-id nome.cognome@login.hpc.unipr.it Here is the Sr2RuO4 pw.x template with comments. Removing the comments the file can be loaded by Xcrystden to check that the lattice is correct. The best is to use the conventional cell (ibril = 0, CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom (in \AA) and ATOM_POSITIONS angstrom, straight out of the cif loaded in VESTA) Pseudopotentials are into a ~/Pseudo/ folder on login.hcp To compile on new cluster: module load intel intelmpi ./configure MPIF90=mpiifort F90=ifort CC=icc then (workaround for wrong FFT library) modify make.inc like this: line 45: -D__FFTW3 -> -D__DFTI line 128: remove -lfftw3 line 52: add -I/hpc/share/tools/intel/mkl/include/ If compiling for KNL, add this line 45: -xMIC-AVX512 To explore n H sites (starting positions in file H_positions) with job submission script test-sc.template cat ../test-sc.template > relax.in sed '1!d' ../H_positions >> relax.in sed -i 's/SCIDX/1/g' relax.in then qsub job.sh |