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server instructions on pc34 HELP and wiki/newserver
Copied all,
Root (not me) had to chown apache, apache wiki.d and wikilib. copying privileges from fis.
Had to recrypt passwds for edit admin etc.
- Periodically cannot access by ssh
- In principle credentials are both in browser and in HELP. They tend to never work.
- Also id-rsa is set but it never works.
- No reminder of pwd expiry, I have a note on google calendar. It's synced with my LDAP.
- However not clear whether the pwd accepted by https://www.idem.unipr.it/start/cambiapwd for musr_n45 is the same that ssh expects for the same user on the node.
- last tickets at helpdesk on 2020082510000598 e 2019112210001535 (in questo caso la pwd settata su idem ha poi funzionato!); per entrambi la soluzione è stata un reset da parte loro.
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