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  1. Introduction
  2. The muon
  3. Muon production
  4. Spin polarization
  5. Detect the µ spin
  6. Implantation
  7. Paramagnetic species
  8. A special case: a muon with few nuclei
  9. Magnetic materials
  10. Relaxation functions
  11. Superconductors
  12. Mujpy
  13. Mulab
  14. Musite?
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< The London model | Index | The Ginzburg-Landau equations >

clean vs. dirty superconductors

The conservation of the total momentum upon application of an external magnetic field is actually a deep consequence of the quantum nature of the macroscopic superconducting ground state, and the London fully understood this implication.

Historically however there was a problem: the values of the penetration depth {$\lambda$} obtained by Eq. 8 are too small for Al, In and other known superconductors, if one assumes that {$n$} is the full number density of conduction electrons and {$m$} their effective mass.

A. Brian Pippard]] (1920-2008 )

The answer proposed by Pippard is that electrons interact with fields averaging their own response on some local scale, therefore the interaction between fields and currents become non-local. The length scale {$\xi$} controlling this non-local interaction, called coherence length, has an intrinsic limit, due to the quantum nature of superconductivity

{$\qquad\qquad \xi_0=\frac {\hbar v_F}{\pi\Delta}\propto \frac {\hbar v_F}{k_B T_c}$}

where {$v_F$} is the Fermi velocity and the middle expression is from BCS, with the superconducting gap {$\Delta$}. The last expression was deduced by Pippard by an uncertainty principle argument. Assuming that {$\xi_0$} is the minimum space to define the electron wave function {$\xi_0\Delta p\ge \hbar$} implies that only electrons with momentum within a crust {$k_BT_c$} of Fermi energy can contribute, i.e. just a fraction, not all the {$n$} conduction electrons.



[1] The parameter {$\kappa=\frac \xi\lambda$} actually distiguishes type I ({$\kappa<1$}) from type II superconductors ({$\kappa>1$})

Typically {$\xi_0$} is (much) greater than {$\lambda$} for type I superconductors, e.g. a clean superconducting simple metals[1]. However the extrinsic electron mean free path, {$\cal l$} cannot be neglected, since it limits the effective coherence length by

{$\qquad\qquad \frac 1 \xi \,=\, \frac 1 {\xi_0}\, +\, \frac 1 {\cal l}$}

This leads to an increased penetration depth for dirty superconductors, by replacing {$n$} with the correct fraction. The calculation is not straightforward. One limit which is of interest to µSR is for dirty (short {$l$}) local (short {$\xi_0$}, i.e. type II) superconductors. In this case

{$ (1) \qquad\qquad \lambda=\sqrt{\frac {m} {\mu_0 ne^2}(1+\xi_0/l)} $}

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