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  1. Introduction
  2. The muon
  3. Muon production
  4. Spin polarization
  5. Detect the µ spin
  6. Implantation
  7. Paramagnetic species
  8. A special case: a muon with few nuclei
  9. Magnetic materials
  10. Relaxation functions
  11. Superconductors
  12. Mujpy
  13. Mulab
  14. Musite?
  15. More details



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< advanced Mulab topics | Index | The internal structure of mulab: Flow between routines >

Users do not need to know this. For Alzheimer-struck-developers it helps Mulab globals (also see whos global) Updated at 1.05 Nov 2010. The structures are growing wild, with duplications.

 MU_PATH.ROOTDIR [char] directory where the program is launched
                        (should contain MULAB.MAT, if not remember
                        to create one when the program is set and going)
 MU_PATH.DATA [char] data directory 
 MU_PATH.LOG [char] log directory

 MU.TABLE.GAMU [double] {$\gamma_\mu/2\pi$} (MHz/G)
          TAUMU [double] {$\tau_\mu$} (ns)
          GAME [double] {$\gamma_e/2\pi$} (MHz/G)

 MU_FIG.MENU [integer] 1
        MENUNAME [char] 'muLab FIT MENU'
        PLOT: [integer] 2
        PLOTNAME: [char] 'muLab PLOT'
        FIT: [integer] 3
        FITNAME: [char] 'muLab FIT'
        FFT: [integer] 4
        FFTNAME: [char] 'muLab FFT of residues'
        PAR: [integer] 5
        PARNAME: [char] 'muLab Plot fit parameters'

After performing FFT of residues also

 MU_FIG.FFTLB: copy of LB parameter from mufit GUI
        FFTN: list of components to be subtracted (copy of FFT checkmark)
        FFTRANGE: copy of range(MHz) from mufit GUI
        FFTPHI: first order (constant) phase correction
        FFTDPHIDW: second order (frequency-linear) phase correction
        FITROTFRAME: 0 or 1 logical, is the Rotating Frame transformation ON? Only for display purposes.
        FITROTFREQ: rotating frame frequency (MHz)
        ROTFILTER: Audio filter after mixing with rotframe frequency

After performing an asymmetry plot in the rotating frame also

 MU_FIG.FITSTARTSTOP: copy of plotfit range, plus code 1/2 for guess/results
        FITROTFREQ: rotating frame frequency (MHz)
        FITROTFRAME: 1 for ON, 0 for OFF 

In order to plot fit parameters vs. a user defined x variable, define


as a row vector (same length as number of fit files). Use NaN if you want
one fit file skipped. Declare it global first. E.g. to plot muAmp of,,, 

vs degrader thickness, kipping 2434, define

 MU_FIG.X=[ 320 350 NaN 390];

 MU_VERSION [char] version number (e.g. 1.05)

 MU_GEAR.INSTRUMENT [char] 'MUS', 'MUS64', 'EMU', 'HIF', 'GPS', 'GPD', 'LTF', 'DOLLY' 'HAL' 
 MU_GEAR.FILENAME_PREFIX [char] mus, emu, hif, gps, gpd, ltf, dol, hal (obsolete at psi)
 MU_GEAR.OFFSET [integer] number of bins between t=0 bin and first good bin
 MU_GEAR.FILENAME_SUFFIX [char] raw, nxs, dat, bin, mdu
 MU_GEAR.LBG [integer] background from pre prompt bins, skips LBG bins after first non-zero
 MU_GEAR.RBG [integer] background from pre prompt bins, up to RBG bins before prompt peak
 MU_GEAR.NT0 [1xm integer], detector t=0 bin (default)
 MU_GEAR.DT [1xm double], t=0 position (ns) within bin (0=center) (default)
 MU_GEAR.AUTOLOGPATH [char] selects log policy, with LOCATION; 'Mirror','Selectable'
 MU_GEAR.LOCATION [char] selects log policy, with AUTOLOGPATH; 'home','ISIS','PSI'
 MU_GEAR.MODE [char] selects background subtraction for MORE; 'MORE' 'NO MORE'
 MU_GEAR.BCKG [char] selects background subtraction for MORE; 'PREPROMPT' 'TAIL'


 MU_DATA.NRUN [integer] run number
 MU_DATA.ZEROPAD [char] number of zeros in filename before run number//
                        (e.g. in MUS0002345: ZEROPAD='000') (obsolete at psi)
 MU_DATA.DATA [nxm double], detector raw data, n bins, m detectors
 MU_DATA.NT0 [1xm integer], detector t=0 bin       (Note: inherited from MU_GEAR when loading data, muload.m)
 MU_DATA.DT [1xm double], t=0 position (ns) within bin (0=center)  (Note: see above)
 MU_DATA.RESNS [double], resolution (ns/bin)
 MU_DATA.TITLE [1x70 char]
 MU_DATA.COMMENT [1x70 char]
 MU_DATA.TIME [1xl double] time of bins, starting from first good bin (t=0 bin + offset)
 MU_DATA.ASYMMETRY [1xl double] corresponding asymmetry
 MU_DATA.ASYMERROR [1xl double] error on asymmetry

 MU_COMPONENT created by mu_initialize_models
             .DEFINITION (calling string)
             .HELP (brief text)
             .NAME (abbreviation)
             .PARAMETER provides info on parameters of this component (e.g. MU_COMPONENT.PARAMETER(2) is NUMBER: 3, NAME: {'Amp' 'DeLo' 'DeGa'}, STEPBOUNDS [3x3 double]
                       .NUMBER    (number of parameter in the component)
                       .NAME      (parameter names)
                       .STEPBOUND (initial step and limits for minuit)

         .NAME [char] e.g. bamu
         .COMPONENTNUMBER [integer] say nc: ba,mu are two components, e.g. 2
         .ALPHA [double] ratio of backward over forward grouping count rates at t=0
         .FLAG [structure]
         .FLAG.TYPE [char] Polarization, Decay (not implemented yet)
         .FLAG.DENOMINATOR [char] Fit, Data, depending on whether the denominator
                                  in the asymmetry is calculated with a fit of
                                  the (weighted) sum of all detectors in the grouping or with 
                                  the sum itself
         .FLAG.LOGVERSION [char] suffix for distinguishing different fit logs of the same type
         .BATCHMODE [char] 'Batch', 'Interactive' (todo, check changelog)
         .GROUPING [structure]
         .GROUPING.FORWARD [1xj] array of detector numbers in forward grouping
         .GROUPING.BACKWARD [1xj] array of detector numbers in backward grouping
         .RANGE   [1x2 integer] bin range for analysis
         .BIN [integer] how many bins in each plot point (only for plotting purposes) 
         .COMPONENT [1xnc structure array] for kk=1:COMPONENTNUMBER COMPONENT(kk) has the following fields
         .COMPONENT.NAME [char] e.g. COMPONENT(1).NAME='ba', COMPONENT(2).NAME='mu', 
         .COMPONENT.PARAMETERNUMBER [integer] number of parameter in this component, say np
                                              e.g COMPONENT(1).PARAMETERNUMBER=3
         .COMPONENT.SHARE [1xnp integer] contains an internal index for each parameter, 
                                 may be equal to a previous one for shared pars
                                 e.g. mumu sharing phases will have [1 2 3 4 5] and [6 7 3 8 9]
         .COMPONENT.PARAMETER [1xnc structure array] for kk=1:COMPONENTNUMBER 
                                                     for jj=1:PARAMETERNUMBER
                                                     COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj) has the following fields
         .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).NAME [char] e.g. 'Amp','Gau','Phi','DeLo','DeGa' etc.
                                                  see mu_initialize_models.m for the definitions
         .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).VALUE [double] staring guess (or fit result, when updated)
         .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).FLAG [char]  '~' for variable, '!' for fixed, '=' for shared
                                                   '+' for linear relation (see muextractflag.m)
         .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).SHARE [integer]  internal index of parameter whose value must
                                                       be shared by the present parameter
         .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).PLOT [integer]   index of panel for parameter plots, 
                                                       1:4, 0,5 mean do not plot

 MU_MODEL_F duplicates the same a s MU_MODEL with best values after last fit. 
            It is saved in the fit-result log files (together with MU_GEAR from v. 1.05 Oct 2009). 
            It includes also

          .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).VALUE [double] best fit result
          .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).ERROR [double] its error 
                ADD: []
                PAR: [1xnip double] array of best fit par values according to internal index 
               EPAR: [1xnip double] their error
                 NU: [integer] degrees of freedom
                CHI: [double] total chi2
               DATE: [char] of fit
               TIME: [char] 
               NRUN: [integer] from MU_DATA.NRUN
           DATAPATH: [char] from MU_PATH.DATA
             SAMPLE: [char] from MU_DATA.SAMPLE
              FIELD: [char] from MU_DATA.FIELD

MU_PLOT acquires a structure depending on which plot was perfomed (see

  global MU_PLOT

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Page last modified on October 29, 2021, at 01:09 PM