MuSR /
MulabStructure< advanced Mulab topics | Index | The internal structure of mulab: Flow between routines > Users do not need to know this. For Alzheimer-struck-developers it helps Mulab globals (also see whos global) Updated at 1.05 Nov 2010. The structures are growing wild, with duplications. MU_PATH.ROOTDIR [char] directory where the program is launched (should contain MULAB.MAT, if not remember to create one when the program is set and going) MU_PATH.DATA [char] data directory MU_PATH.LOG [char] log directory MU.TABLE.GAMU [double] {$\gamma_\mu/2\pi$} (MHz/G) TAUMU [double] {$\tau_\mu$} (ns) GAME [double] {$\gamma_e/2\pi$} (MHz/G) MU_FIG.MENU [integer] 1 MENUNAME [char] 'muLab FIT MENU' PLOT: [integer] 2 PLOTNAME: [char] 'muLab PLOT' FIT: [integer] 3 FITNAME: [char] 'muLab FIT' FFT: [integer] 4 FFTNAME: [char] 'muLab FFT of residues' PAR: [integer] 5 PARNAME: [char] 'muLab Plot fit parameters' After performing FFT of residues also MU_FIG.FFTLB: copy of LB parameter from mufit GUI FFTN: list of components to be subtracted (copy of FFT checkmark) FFTRANGE: copy of range(MHz) from mufit GUI FFTPHI: first order (constant) phase correction FFTDPHIDW: second order (frequency-linear) phase correction FITROTFRAME: 0 or 1 logical, is the Rotating Frame transformation ON? Only for display purposes. FITROTFREQ: rotating frame frequency (MHz) ROTFILTER: Audio filter after mixing with rotframe frequency After performing an asymmetry plot in the rotating frame also MU_FIG.FITSTARTSTOP: copy of plotfit range, plus code 1/2 for guess/results FITROTFREQ: rotating frame frequency (MHz) FITROTFRAME: 1 for ON, 0 for OFF In order to plot fit parameters vs. a user defined x variable, define MU_FIG.X as a row vector (same length as number of fit files). Use NaN if you want,,, vs degrader thickness, kipping 2434, define MU_FIG.X=[ 320 350 NaN 390]; MU_VERSION [char] version number (e.g. 1.05) MU_GEAR.FACILITY [char] 'ISIS' or 'PSI' MU_GEAR.INSTRUMENT [char] 'MUS', 'MUS64', 'EMU', 'HIF', 'GPS', 'GPD', 'LTF', 'DOLLY' 'HAL' MU_GEAR.FILENAME_PREFIX [char] mus, emu, hif, gps, gpd, ltf, dol, hal (obsolete at psi) MU_GEAR.OFFSET [integer] number of bins between t=0 bin and first good bin MU_GEAR.DATA_TYPE [char] MCS, NEXUS, ASCII, BIN, MDU MU_GEAR.FILENAME_SUFFIX [char] raw, nxs, dat, bin, mdu MU_GEAR.LBG [integer] background from pre prompt bins, skips LBG bins after first non-zero MU_GEAR.RBG [integer] background from pre prompt bins, up to RBG bins before prompt peak MU_GEAR.NT0 [1xm integer], detector t=0 bin (default) MU_GEAR.DT [1xm double], t=0 position (ns) within bin (0=center) (default) MU_GEAR.AUTOLOGPATH [char] selects log policy, with LOCATION; 'Mirror','Selectable' MU_GEAR.LOCATION [char] selects log policy, with AUTOLOGPATH; 'home','ISIS','PSI' MU_GEAR.MODE [char] selects background subtraction for MORE; 'MORE' 'NO MORE' MU_GEAR.BCKG [char] selects background subtraction for MORE; 'PREPROMPT' 'TAIL' MU_ADD MU_DATA.NRUN [integer] run number MU_DATA.ZEROPAD [char] number of zeros in filename before run number// (e.g. in MUS0002345: ZEROPAD='000') (obsolete at psi) MU_DATA.DATA [nxm double], detector raw data, n bins, m detectors MU_DATA.NT0 [1xm integer], detector t=0 bin (Note: inherited from MU_GEAR when loading data, muload.m) MU_DATA.DT [1xm double], t=0 position (ns) within bin (0=center) (Note: see above) MU_DATA.RESNS [double], resolution (ns/bin) MU_DATA.START_DATE [char] MU_DATA.STOP_DATE [char] MU_DATA.START_TIME [char] MU_DATA.STOP_TIME [char] MU_DATA.TITLE [1x70 char] MU_DATA.SAMPLE [char] MU_DATA.ORIENTATION [char] MU_DATA.TEMPERATURE [char] MU_DATA.FIELD [char] MU_DATA.COMMENT [1x70 char] MU_DATA.TIME [1xl double] time of bins, starting from first good bin (t=0 bin + offset) MU_DATA.ASYMMETRY [1xl double] corresponding asymmetry MU_DATA.ASYMERROR [1xl double] error on asymmetry MU_COMPONENT created by mu_initialize_models .DEFINITION (calling string) .HELP (brief text) .NAME (abbreviation) .PARAMETER provides info on parameters of this component (e.g. MU_COMPONENT.PARAMETER(2) is NUMBER: 3, NAME: {'Amp' 'DeLo' 'DeGa'}, STEPBOUNDS [3x3 double] .NUMBER (number of parameter in the component) .NAME (parameter names) .STEPBOUND (initial step and limits for minuit) MU_MODEL .NAME [char] e.g. bamu .COMPONENTNUMBER [integer] say nc: ba,mu are two components, e.g. 2 .ALPHA [double] ratio of backward over forward grouping count rates at t=0 .FLAG [structure] .FLAG.TYPE [char] Polarization, Decay (not implemented yet) .FLAG.DENOMINATOR [char] Fit, Data, depending on whether the denominator in the asymmetry is calculated with a fit of the (weighted) sum of all detectors in the grouping or with the sum itself .FLAG.LOGVERSION [char] suffix for distinguishing different fit logs of the same type .BATCHMODE [char] 'Batch', 'Interactive' (todo, check changelog) .GROUPING [structure] .GROUPING.FORWARD [1xj] array of detector numbers in forward grouping .GROUPING.BACKWARD [1xj] array of detector numbers in backward grouping .RANGE [1x2 integer] bin range for analysis .BIN [integer] how many bins in each plot point (only for plotting purposes) .COMPONENT [1xnc structure array] for kk=1:COMPONENTNUMBER COMPONENT(kk) has the following fields .COMPONENT.NAME [char] e.g. COMPONENT(1).NAME='ba', COMPONENT(2).NAME='mu', .COMPONENT.PARAMETERNUMBER [integer] number of parameter in this component, say np e.g COMPONENT(1).PARAMETERNUMBER=3 COMPONENT(2).PARAMETERNUMBER=5 .COMPONENT.SHARE [1xnp integer] contains an internal index for each parameter, may be equal to a previous one for shared pars e.g. mumu sharing phases will have [1 2 3 4 5] and [6 7 3 8 9] .COMPONENT.PARAMETER [1xnc structure array] for kk=1:COMPONENTNUMBER for jj=1:PARAMETERNUMBER COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj) has the following fields .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).NAME [char] e.g. 'Amp','Gau','Phi','DeLo','DeGa' etc. see mu_initialize_models.m for the definitions .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).VALUE [double] staring guess (or fit result, when updated) .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).FLAG [char] '~' for variable, '!' for fixed, '=' for shared '+' for linear relation (see muextractflag.m) .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).SHARE [integer] internal index of parameter whose value must be shared by the present parameter .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).PLOT [integer] index of panel for parameter plots, 1:4, 0,5 mean do not plot MU_MODEL_F duplicates the same a s MU_MODEL with best values after last fit. It is saved in the fit-result log files (together with MU_GEAR from v. 1.05 Oct 2009). It includes also .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).VALUE [double] best fit result .COMPONENT(kk).PARAMETER(jj).ERROR [double] its error ADD: [] PAR: [1xnip double] array of best fit par values according to internal index EPAR: [1xnip double] their error NU: [integer] degrees of freedom CHI: [double] total chi2 DATE: [char] of fit TIME: [char] NRUN: [integer] from MU_DATA.NRUN DATAPATH: [char] from MU_PATH.DATA SAMPLE: [char] from MU_DATA.SAMPLE TEMPERATURE: [char] from MU_DATA.TEMPERATURE FIELD: [char] from MU_DATA.FIELD ORIENTATION: [char] from MU_DATA.ORIENTATION MU_PLOT acquires a structure depending on which plot was perfomed (see global MU_PLOT MU_PLOT < advanced Mulab topics | Index | The internal structure of mulab: Flow between routines > |