MuSR /
MuonDiamagnetiShift< From muon rates to London penetration | Index | Fitting Flux Lattices with a single Gaussian? > Let us consider a muon superconducting sample in the shape of a slab. In an infinite slab the external induction {$B_0=\mu_0 H$} must coincide with the average induction inside the slab.
The one well inside the slab, {$P_{in}$}, experiences a non uniform field, distributed along {$\hat z$} according to {$p(B_z)$}, and {$$ \int_{P_{in}} \mathbf B \cdot d \mathbf a = A\overline{B} = A \int dB_z p(B_z) $$} therefore it must be {$B_0=\overline{B}$}. However experimentally it is not: the broadened precession line from muons implanted in the superconductor bulk is shifted diamagnetically, well beyond experimental error, to and average {$B_d\ll B_0$}.
Of course magnetic Gauss law is still valid (easy to see on Gaussian surface P), but one cannot neglect the transverse components of the induction and the measured {$B_d$} is related, but not equal to the average {$B_z$} value. A slightly more complex case arises for powders where the average {$N$} over the grain shapes and orientations may need to be considered. To estimate this effect, a typical TF experiment will observe a shift of order {$\mu_0 \chi N_\text{eff}H$}, proportional to the SQUID magnetization detected in the same magnetic field. < From muon rates to London penetration | Index | Fitting Flux Lattices with a single Gaussian? > |