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  1. Introduction
  2. The muon
  3. Muon production
  4. Spin polarization
  5. Detect the µ spin
  6. Implantation
  7. Paramagnetic species
  8. A special case: a muon with few nuclei
  9. Magnetic materials
  10. Relaxation functions
  11. Superconductors
  12. Mujpy
  13. Mulab
  14. Musite?
  15. More details



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< Mulab 2.0 notes | Index | Double fit in Ver. 2.0 >

List of all routines in the distribution

   MULAB        - Initializes (preferences from MULAB.mat or defaults)
                  including facility, data format, filenames ...
                  and invokes
   MUFIT_GUI     - The main GUI interface, generating 
                        Figure 1: muLab FIT MENU
                  For a description and tutorial see the webpages
                  If you want to access data see also MU_GLOBALS
   Precompiled functions: as standard in MATLAB X.m is the help,
      whereas the compiled functions are contained in system
      dependent files: X.mexa64 (lin 64bit) X.mexglx (lin 32bit)
      X.mexw32 (win >R14) X.dll (win R14) 
   FMINUIT       - Binding to MINUIT
   ISISLOAD      - Loads old MCS ISIS data format
   NXSLOAD       - Loads new NeXus ISIS data format
   PSILOAD       - Loads old (ASCII) and new (BIN) PSI data format
  Functions required by GUIs, in alphabetical order 
  (to check which ones calls muwhich: grep muwhich *.m)
  A symbol *,? follows those that can be called directly 
  from the command window. ? indicates that HELP function is suggested
  CONTENTS ?     - This one, try HELP CONTENTS
  MUADD          - Adds data from another set to the loaded one(s)
                   in global structure MU_DATA
  MUCANLOAD      - Checks that run NRUN corresponds to an existing
                   data file 
  MUCD *         - Sets PATH for data and log files 
  MUCOMP ?       - Returns name and indices of a parameter, try HELP MUCOMP
  MUCOUNTPAR *   - Returns total number of parameters in model
  MUCREATEMODEL  - Creates an empty model from the codename
                   (e.g. 'damu'). Invoked by MUFIT_GUI
  MUEDGE         - Estimates t0 at ISIS, try HELP MUEDGE for more
                   info. Invoked by MUSET (hence by MUFIT_GUI)
  MUEDITMODEL *  - To add, remove or replace components in a model
                   handles both command and GUI versions
  MUEXTRACTFLAG  - Parses the second input (~!=+) in the Fit Parameters 
                   listed by MUFIT_GUI
  MUFCN          - The core of the MINUIT fit
                   model-assembly. Should be transparent 
  MUFFTRES       - Perfomrs Fast Fourier Transform of fit residues
                   Invoked by MUFIT_GUI
  MUFIT          - Initializes, executes, and logs the FMINUIT fit
                   internally saving into global structure
  MUGETCOMPONENT - Parses model codename (e.g. 'damu'), returning
                    the indices of its components, according to the
                    global structure MU_COMPONENT 
  MU_GLOBALS     - Information, try HELP MU_GLOBALS
  MUGROUP        - Translates group input strings into arrays of 
  MUGROUPTAG     - Creates group tag for the log file name
  MUGUESST0      - Generates a rough guess for t0 when proper
                   value is not stored in structure MU_GEAR.NT0 
  MUGUI2MINUIT   - Parameter index: 
                   input is index in GUI Fit Parameters list 
                   output is index in fminuit parameter list
  MU_INITIALIZE_MODELS - Defines the available fit components
                          in global structure MU_COMPONENT
                          and the constants global structure
  MULABSAVE      - Saves setup in MULAB.mat for a quick, instument
                   specific strartup
  MULDMODEL *    - Loads model with file selection GUI. One can
                   navigate to other directories to load an old
                  model. Data and log path will not follow this
  MULISTCOMPONENTS * - Lists available components in command
  MULIST *       - Lists runs in present data path, generating a
                   file readme in the same directory 
  MULOAD ?       - Loads data, used by MUFIT_GUI, 
                   see HELP MULOAD for more info
  MUMODELLIST    - Edit lists of components (in MUEDITMODEL)
  MUPAR          - Generates parameter names, values, flags,
                   stepbounds from the guess values of MU_MODEL
                   (MUPAR(1)) or from the best values of
                   MU_MODEL_F (MUPAR(2)). Invoked by MUFIT,
  MUPARMINUIT    - Calculates number of parameters passed to
                   fminuit and distributes each into panels, for
                   MUPLOTPAR purposes
  MUPARSE        - Parses the second input in the Fit Parameters
                   list of MUFIT_GUI, trasnlating linear relations 
                   and sharing relations (+=)
  MUPLOTFIT      - Plots fit guess or best fit results, invoked 
                   in MUFIT_GUI
  MUPLOT         - Plots single detectors, invoked in MUFIT_GUI
  MUPLOTPAR      - Plots fit parameters according to the Plot
  MUPROMPT       - fminuit fcn function for PSI fitting of prompt
                   peaks, invoked in MUSET
  MUREBIN        - rebinning in MUPLOTFIT
  MUSAVEMODEL    - save full model log in .fit file, invoked by
  MUSET          - Finds t0 according to a facility dependent
                   strategy, by fitting either prompt peaks (PSI),
                   or detector initial counts (ISIS). Better
                   strategies from fitting the phase in series of 
                   transverse field experiments. 
  MUSGROUP       - Translates groups back from numeric arrays (as
                   in structures MU_PLOT or MU_MODEL, under
                   GROUPING.FORWARD  of GROUPING.BACKWARD) to a
                   shorthand string, see HELP MUSGROUP
  MUSUMMARY      - Produces logs of a fit: in the command window,
                   in the human readable .log file and in the
                   ascii matrix .dat file
  MUTXTMENU      - produces a list of components in command window
                   when invoked by MUEDITMODEL in command window
  MUUPDATEMODEL  - Transfers best fit value to guess values 
  MUVALIDATEMODEL - To confirm that a user input model codename is
                    a valid model codename (e.g. 'damu' and not
  NORMCDF        - Integral of Gaussian based on erf
  VALERROR       - Produces the string 3.2(1) from 3.244 and 0.127
  Fit functions
   MUDALPHA        da
   MUBESSEL        bj

 ----------------------------------- -----------------------------
  Functions not used by GUIs
   MUCOMMENTS    - prints comments of last loaded data set (if
                   present). See Total Counts dropdown in main GUI
   MULAB.VERSION - Contains version and old changelogs
  New functions introduced in 1.05
    MUFLL          fl Isotropic flux line lattice
    MURF           rotating frame transformation
    README.EARLYWIN.M Readme file for matlab versions 7, 7.0.1 and 7.1 and WINDOWS

< Mulab 2.0 notes | Index | Double fit in Ver. 2.0 >

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Page last modified on August 25, 2009, at 03:21 PM