MuSR /
EwaldPythonfrom ase import Atom from numpy import * def vsum(lattice,musite,N): """This routine calculates Coulomb point charge potential in the periodic lattice, by the Ewald trick (see ). The result is the inverse Fourier transform of V(Q), calculated on reciprocal lattice sites. Since the factor phi(Q) is propto 1/Q**2 this sum converges faster than direct sums. It can be limited within a reciprocal Lorentz sphere of radius G(Angstroems-1) with G = b, 2b, 3b,..., nb and b=max(b1,b2,b3) For each value of G a V(r) value is added. """ qe=1.60217646e-19 # electron charge in C (abs val) A2m=1e-10 # Angstroem to m # to account for distances in (1A=1e-10 m) # and charges in e=1.60217646e-19 C epsilon_0=8.85418781e-12 # in SI reciprocal_cell=lattice.get_reciprocal_cell() # ditto b1=reciprocal_cell[0,:] b2=reciprocal_cell[1,:] b3=reciprocal_cell[2,:] b=sqrt(dot(reciprocal_cell,reciprocal_cell).diagonal()).max() # print b # for debugging # max b vector length # shorter b vectors requires more cell to reach the same radius n1=ceil(N*(sqrt(dot(b1,b1))/b)).__int__() # number of cells in b1 direction n2=ceil(N*(sqrt(dot(b2,b2))/b)).__int__() # number of cells in b2 direction n3=ceil(N*(sqrt(dot(b3,b3))/b)).__int__() # number of cells in b3 direction # whose index is number_sites +1 for mu, -1 since indices start from 0 v=zeros((N)) r=lattice.get_positions() # ion positions in the unit cell rmu=musite.get_position() # supposed muon position number_sites=lattice.get_number_of_atoms() rr=r-outer(ones((number_sites,1)),rmu) # in order to compute exp i Q dot rr q=lattice.get_charges() # charges of each ion in the unit cell v_cell=lattice.get_volume() for n in range(-n1,n1): for m in range(-n2,n2): for l in range(-n3,n3): Q=n*b1+m*b2+l*b3 # reciprocal lattice vector QQ=sqrt(dot(Q,Q)) # its modulus j=int(floor_divide(QQ,b)) # index of the Lorentz shell if j < N and j > 0: rho_c=0.0 for k in range(number_sites): rho_c=rho_c+q[k]*qe*exp(1j*dot(Q,rr[k,:])) # FT of cell charge density v[j]=v[j]+2*pi**4/v_cell/epsilon_0*rho_c*(A2m/QQ)**2 return v |