Condensed Matter
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Material Project
- Material Project, DFT repository, login with email, receive a link no password
- Straightforward: click on elements, search materials, click on id number, generates a comprehensive page with inline visualization, download CIF and use VESTA
- e.g. MnF2, CoF2, MnSi (strange, also first two given as FM!), see fisica/FisCondMat/MaterialProject
Bilbao Crystallographic Server
- The Server, let's run MnSi
- list groups, most Space Group Symmetry/ macros e.g Wyckpos/choose P2_1 3 (according to i.e. group 198
- definition of matrix-column representation of a symmetry operation
- Magnetic symmetry and applications/MAGNDATA show mag structure database
- Magnetic Wyckoff position e.g. choose 198.9. MnSi
- Space-group symmetry/KVEC
- MAXMAGN How to obtain all magnetic structures compatible with a given paramagnetic parent compound, see tutorial (commented on pc34)
- same with MnF2
- group 136, kv-vector 0 0 0, cif in MaterialProject,
- generates 12 BSN groups, 3 is Ferro 1,2,4, have non mag Mn,
- 5- P42'/mnm' (#136.499) is the right one, MVISUALIZE it,
- exercise, generate cif from data and Structure Utilities/VISUALIZE
- sito enantiomerico (VESTA Style/Properties/Atoms) ottenibile per simmetria speculare (mirror)
- 14 reticoli di Bravais, reticoli di punti che rispettano simmetrie puntuali e traslazionali
- reticolo con base, reticolo di atomi, la base viene sostituita ad ogni punto del reticolo di Bravais
- cella primitiva, unitaria, che non contiene atomi
- see Seitz for Seitz symbols, nomenclauture of R symbols, geometric interpretation
- names of Brillouin zone points.